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Arts & Récits Autochtones - Minodeh - Spirit Berries

Minodeh - Spirit Berries

2019 - Lauréat d’art

Nico Williams

Montreal, ON
Aamjiwnaang (Ojibwe)
Âge 29

Une note d'auteur

Minodeh-Spirit Berries (2018) explores the many powerful narratives of the Ojibwe community. Images on the form include 20 different stories: Aunties at the Bingo Hall, Maple sugar gathering, snow showing under the northern lights, the wake ceremony and legends of the formation of the birch - other images are inspired by the legends I was told as a kid from my grandmother on the reserve. Each shape narrates a different story using colourful glass beads.

As a Geometric Beadwork artist, I create an array of forms using Japanese glass Delica’s to narrate Indigenous experiences. The forms have recently been exploring kinetic movement and galactic patterns to give shape to structures, like the Hyperloop, that redefine art and craft. I recently acquired the ability to deconstruct the surfaces and clone them using computer software and casting pods. In the years to come, I look forward to continuing research and inspiring a new beading movement.

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