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Arts & Récits Autochtones - Helen Betty Osborne

Helen Betty Osborne

2013 - Lauréat d’art

Erica Giasson-Nolan

Windsor, ON
Âge 18

Une note d'auteur

I’ve always been inspired by my aboriginal culture and always express though art. A recent art project that I was introduced to in school was to do a book cover or a poem of interest. Since I’m aboriginal and really take my culture as a gift I picked the poem from the book by Marilyn Dumont. I was really excited to read this book of poems. As I was reading I came across several interesting poems, but the one that popped out to me the most was a poem that was called Helen Betty Osborne, it was about an aboriginal that was raped and stabbed many years back. The poem just states the overwhelming events us natives go through on a daily basis. I was inspired by the poem and created my art piece that really brings out the true meaning of how I truly felt while reading this poem. I hope you can see my art piece as a remembrance rather than a poem itself.

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